Our research efforts focus on collecting reliable data. We welcome collaboration from fellow scientists, stakeholders, NGOs, academic institutions, government agencies, and other organizations.
The Gulf of Tribugá
Responsible Whale Watching
Whale and Dolphin Community Project (WDCP)
Join us in discovering and conserving the dolphins in Colombia.
Whale Watching Assessment Collaborations
We would like to share with you our findings from the participation and professional experience of each member of R&EOCC foundation. Publications and public presentations are important and provide knowledge, applications and previous experiences. We believe the contribution of this work is essential for other initiatives in relevant fields. We encourage and welcome you to ask (if not provided) for any article you are interested in.
Dinámica de la actividad pesquera de peces ornamentales continentales en Colombia
A Ortega-Lara, Y Cruz-Quintana, V Puentes, Diego Mojica Moncada
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Guía para la identificación de especies de tiburones, rayas y quimeras de Colombia
Juan Pablo Caldas, Juliana López García, Diego Mojica Moncada
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revista la timonera #23
Diego Mojica Moncada Pgs. 25-27 & 62-66
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Elementos básicos para el Manejo Integrado de Zonas Costeras.
Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras - INVEMAR
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Evaluación Integral y Perspectivas del Sector Acuícola y Pesquero de Colombia 2015–2040
Diego Mojica
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High genetic structure and low mitochondrial diversity in bottlenose dolphins of the Archipelago of Bocas del Toro, Panama: A population at risk?
Dalia C. Barragán-Barrera, Laura J. May-Collado, Gabriela Tezanos-Pinto, Valentina Islas-Villanueva, Camilo A. Correa-Cárdenas, Susana Caballero
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Hacia una potencia oceánica
Comisión Colombiana del Océano (2016)
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Fecundity estimation of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) and haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus) of Georges Bank: Application of the autodiametric method
Alexandre Alonso-Fernández, Ann Carole Vallejo, Fran Saborido-Rey, Hilario Murua & Edward A. Trippel
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Colombia y las Organizaciones Regionales de Ordenamiento Pesquero -OROP-
Ortega-Lara O, Amado AC, Cordoba-Rojas DF, Barbosa LS
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Lineamientos para la formulación del plan nacional de manejo integrado de zonas costeras-PNMIZC
Fernando Mojica Moncada, Julián Augusto Reyna Moreno, Diana Yaneth Vargas Rodríguez
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revista la timonera #25
Diego Mojica Moncada Pgs. 21-24 & 50-52
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Trophic and reproductive aspects of some batoids caught at Santa Marta in the Colombian Caribbean Sea
Marcela Grijalba-Bendeck , Carlos Polo-Silva, Kelly Acevedo, Fabián Moreno & Diego Mojica
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Range extension for the common dolphin (Delphinus sp.) to the Colombian Caribbean, with taxonomic implications from genetic barcoding and phylogenetic analyses
Nohelia Farías-Curtidor, Dalia C. Barragán-Barrera, Paula Alejandra Chávez-Carreño, Cristina Jiménez-Pinedo, Daniel M. Palacios, Dalila Caicedo, Fernando Trujillo, Susana Caballero
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Informe de la III Expedición de Colombia a la Antártida 'Almirante Padilla
Rafael R. Torres Parra, Diego Mojica, Christian M. Díaz
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libro construyendo pais maritimo
Comisión Colombiana del Océano
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Predicting the likely effects of climate change on the range of white-beaked dolphins in the ICES area (2000-2099)
Ann Carole Vallejo, Ruth Fernandez, Michael J. Tetley & Marianne Rasmussen
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The collaborators listed here are mentioned because we have either already established partnerships with them or are in the process of discussing project plans, involvement, and participation. This does not imply that we are collaborating with all of them, but rather that we are working towards potential collaborations.

Allocation of funds
The funds raised through your donations, grants, and fundraising efforts are allocated to the following purposes.
Training and workshops, necessary materials (such as banners, projectors, boards, etc.), accommodation, transportation, and expenses associated with the time and commitment required for training.
Field equipment including professional cameras and lenses, binoculars, theodolites and tripods, handheld GPS devices, as well as office and field supplies.
Travel and living expenses incurred during the course of the projects.
To assist our dedicated volunteers with a portion of their living expenses to support their involvement and learning in our projects.
Get involved
Get involved in something big! Sign up today and you could be a member of this cool partnership of researchers, experts and passionate individuals working together for the conservation of marine ecosystems. Everyone is welcome: a non-profit organization, an individual or any other institute/organization (museum, arts and culture institute, clothing company, scientific institute, etc.)!
We are seeking two full-time volunteer research assistants for the project “Todos Somos Pacifico” forthcoming field season in Tribuga’s Gulf, Colombia Pacific coast.
Specifically, you will assist on boat and land-based surveys. Both assistants are needed from July, August and September. The project investigates changes in breeding and mating behaviour from humpback whales due to vessel interactions.