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Friend of the Sea and R&E Ocean Community Conservation Foundation Team Up for Sustainable Dolphin and Whale Watching Programs

Joint project in Colombia promotes sustainable whale watching that stimulates the local economy


NOVEMBER 27, 2019—Friend of the Sea (FOS), the leading global certification standard for products and services that respect and protect the marine environment, announced today it is collaborating with R&E Ocean Community Conservation Foundation to develop sustainable dolphin and whale watching programs for scientific groups in Colombia. The programs promote sustainability while also supporting local communities and local tour operators in Colombia that facilitate the expeditions.  

“This is an innovative program, one that we hope will be repeated elsewhere,” said Paolo Bray, Director of Friend of the Sea. “Sustainability and sustainable economic development must go hand in hand. If people perceive sustainability as a zero-sum game, where a gain for sustainability is a loss for the local economy, we’re going to have a lot of trouble. The work we’re doing with R&E exemplifies a win-win approach on this issue.” 

The R&E Ocean Community Conservation Foundation’s mission is to research, preserve and care for vulnerable marine environments and their species. They accomplish these goals by providing communities with knowledge, training and tools for conservation, protection and economic growth. The organization’s approach blends the formation of sustainable habitats with strong community development. 

The programs being developed jointly by FOS and R&E will enable scientists, eco-tourists, students and volunteers to observe humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae), bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus), pantropical spotted dolphins (Stenella attenuata) and rough-toothed dolphins (Steno bredanensis) in the waters off Columbia from mid-June to mid-October. 

Friend of the Sea is applying its Dolphin and Whale Watching standard for Scientific Groups to this joint project. The standard has the goal of minimizing unintentional disturbance to dolphins and whales, along with their respective habitats, through key principles of conduct. These include setting a maximum number of vessels in the watching zone, moderating approach distance, conducting training programs for operators and crew and collecting scientific data. The standard also forbids swimming with the animals and using mono-use plastics.


DONATING CAN HELP MAKE our vision come true

Beforehand we would like to thank you for all your contribution towards a great work and cause. The funds from your donations grants and collections received will be used variously. Find out how.


Adopt a whale, dolphin or sea turtle


Do you want to help protect humpback whales, bottlenose dolphins and sea turtles?

R&E offers you the possibility to directly support the conservation of your favorite animals! By adopting a cetacean (whale/ dolphin) or sea turtle you ensure that R&E’s conservation programs can be carried out.

All four species that are available for adoption are found in the Gulf of Tribugá (Colombia). Do you want to learn more about them? Then the informational pdf, sent to you via E-Mail after adoption, will let you dive deeper into their biology, threats and conservation measures. Additionally, adoption materials include a digital certificate of adoption, a mobile phone wallpaper of the animal that you have adopted and a subscription to R&E’s newsletter.

The four species that you can adopt are:

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Humpback whale

Humpback whales were hunted to near extinction during industrial whaling. Nowadays many stocks have recovered, however they still face many threats, such as collision with ships, entanglement in fishing gear and unsustainable whale watching activities. Your adoption helps alleviate these threats.

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Bottlenose dolphin

Bottlenose dolphins occur in many places around the world. However, due to their preference of coastal habitats, they are facing many man-made threats, such as entanglement in fishing gear, by-catch and pollution. By adopting a bottlenose dolphin you contribute to their protection by supporting R&Es efforts to reduce pollution and removal of abandoned fishing gear.

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Olive ridley sea turtle

Although the olive ridley sea turtle is the most abundant sea turtle, it is still listed as “vulnerable” on the IUCN threatened species list. Like all sea turtles, their survival is threatened e.g. by plastic pollution, consumption of eggs and entanglement in fishing gear. By adopting an olive ridley sea turtle you support the conservation efforts carried out by R&E to minimize these threats.


Hawksbill sea turtle

The hawksbill sea turtle is currently classified as “critically endangered” by the IUCN. This means that they face a high risk of extinction in the wild. By adopting this species you help alleviate some of the threats they are facing, such as plastic pollution and entanglement in fishing gear. Furthermore, you allow critical research and educational programs to be carried out by R&E!

All adoptions cost 35,- CAD (approx. 26,- USD) and are valid for one year. We guarantee that > 95% of the donations go towards the conservation of the chosen animal. The remainder (<5%) is used to cover R&Es’ costs related to the adoption program.

Should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us: info@oceancommunityconservation.org