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Todos Somos Familia

Help a Colombian family during a major socioeconomic crisis following COVID-19


Due to the consequences of the current pandemic, Chocó, Colombia, one of the last natural jewels of this planet, is currently facing a devastating socioeconomic crisis. In order to help, our foundation has started the program “Todos Somos Familia” to support families in Nuquí. With your help, we can distribute groceries in Nuquí so that the community can survive this crisis. Please follow the link to our crowdfunding campaign:

Where is Nuquí?

The municipality of Nuquí lies in the department of Chocó, which is located on the west pacific coast of Colombia. Most of the department is covered with a dense rainforest and annual precipitation is so high that this region is one of the wettest places in the world.


How many people are affected in Nuquí?

The communities of Nuquí encompasses around 4325 families, of which almost 300 are indigenous (the vulnerable Embera’s communities). On average, a family consists of 5-6 people.

What is the situation like in Nuquí?

Normally, the main incomes for the local families are artisanal fisheries and eco-tourism, of which both have come to a complete halt due to the current crisis.

The families of Nuquí are very isolated and can only be reached by boat or plane, from the rest of Colombia.

Further challenges in the region include the lack of sufficient drinking water and the limited availability of electricity. Now, because of the pandemic, the quality of life has deteriorated even more in this region and its citizens are in dire need of help to survive.

Due to the Covid-19 crisis, the inhabitants of Nuquí are also in quarantine. Due to this situation, the families have received help from governmental and other NGO’s in the form of food bags. However, they are not enough to cover all the families from the region, especially in remote communities.

What is the Program about?

Through the program “Todos Somos Familia” the foundation R&E now aims to help mitigate the crisis that these families are experiencing due to the global pandemic. In this program, we will provide groceries to the local families.

Priority goes to single moms with children, families with three or more children, families who depend upon whale-watching, families that do not receive governmental (or other) help, families with elderly members and families who, due to their remoteness, do not have access to other help.

A food bag consists of groceries and toiletries which are crucial for survival. One food bag typically costs 25 USD,  including costs for transportation, and typically lasts a family with 5-6 members for about one week.

The food bag contains: 4kg of rice, 500g of beans, 1kg of lentils, 1kg sugar, 1kg salt, 1kg flour, 500g milk powder, 1kg flour for arepas (typical Colombian dish for breakfast), 1kg of pasta, 500g coffee, 1.5L oil, 2 pieces of panela (unrefined sugar, which is used to make hot beverages; also home remedy against the flue), 1/4 chocolate bars (hot chocolate), and sanitizing supplies: 1 bag of laundry powder detergent, 1 bar blue soap, 2 tooth brush, 1 tooth paste and 2 rolls toilet paper.

How much is needed?

Every food bag helps but since the place is so remote, a minimum of 20 food bags is required to justify the long journey (18h by boat from Buenaventura or 45 min by plane from Medellin). Ideally, your help will allow us to support the families until tourism picks up in the area once again.

How is the food distributed?

In a pilot project, which first took place in the first week of April 2020, the foundation was able to distribute the first 20 food bags in Nuquí. Here, we’ve learned the logistics of delivery so that safe distribution of the food can be ensured. On our second trip, in the second week of May 2020, we then used what we learned to deliver 40 more food bags. For our last distribution made at the end of June 2020 and thanks to our fundraising campaign “Todos Somos Familia” we delivered 50 food bags more. Until now we have delivered 130 food bags to vulnerable people of this region.

Since there are only small shops in Nuquí, the majority of the groceries for the food bags are bought in Medellin or Buenaventura. The bags can be either transported by boat or plane to Nuquí, where a volunteer of the foundation receives the food and is in charge of its distribution, even to the remote areas.

How can I help?

Thank you so much for your support! Your donations will ensure that the families of Nuquí have enough food to survive this crisis. Our next goal is to raise enough funds to supply 280 food bags for these communities.

By telling your friends and families about this campaign you can help collect even more funds for the communities in Nuquí. 

Donations can be made directly on our website. We can assure that 100% of all donations that the foundation receives at this point will go towards supporting the families in Nuquí.