Protect the sea with R&E

Beforehand we would like to thank you for your generous contribution to the protection of the whales and dolphins of Colombia. We would not be able to carry out this work without the support of great, visionary people in our community, such as you!

For complete transparency (I personally always want to know how my donation will be used):

Unless otherwise discussed with us, your donation towards the WDCP contributes to the next survey (total cost: 860,- USD) and includes fuel (50%), a small but fair salary to three community scientists (25%), boat rental (20%) and administrative costs (5%). Administrative costs include the transaction fees (e.g. we have to pay around 3% transaction fees e.g. PayPal/ Squarespace etc.), and currency exchange fees (when we change CAD into Colombian pesos here in Colombia).

The survey is 320km long and each kilometer costs 2,69 USD. Therefore, 5,4 USD cover 2km, 5= 13.50, 10km = 27

Do you have any questions or concerns about your donation?

Then please don’t hesitate to contact us!
