Help us Protect the dolphins of the Gulf OF Tribugá
The Gulf of Tribugá (Colombia) is among the most biodiverse regions of this planet and has recently been designated a “hope spot”. Dolphin populations of the area are virtually understudied at the moment but already appear to be threatened by human activities.
Several species of dolphins have been seen to visit or inhabit the area. They include:
Bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus)
Common dolphin (Dermochelys coriacea)
Pantropical spotted dolphin (Stenella attenuata)
We must act now to preserve these iconic species and their habitats, as:
they are currently facing many threats, including plastic pollution, stress from vessel noise, unregulated whale watching activities, climate change, ghost nets, and bycatch
Almost no data exists on small cetaceans in the Gulf of Tribugá, which is needed to establish effective conservation measures
The Whale and Dolphin Community Project (WDCP) is funded by: Hering Stiftung Natur und Mensch.
R&E combines research, education, community engagement, and conservation efforts to preserve the dolphins of Tribugá.
Ways, in which you can help the dolphins
Your donation is highly appreciated! You can donate here. Alternatively you can also adopt a dolphin.
Join our team and help us protect the dolphins of the Gulf of Tribugá. Find out more here
Avoid using plastic in your everyday life, especially single-use plastic, and prevent it from
ever reaching our oceans and harming the dolphins and other marine wildlife.
The dolphins of the Gulf of Tribugá are extremely grateful for your help!
Thank you!
We want to thank everyone, who sponsored the first trip in March 2021. We were able to see four different dolphin species and over 300 individuals. Here are some photos for you!
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